The Ukrainian city championing climate action in the shadow of the war – A greener life, a greener world

The Ukrainian city championing climate action in the shadow of the war – A greener life, a greener world
climate action

The western Ukrainian city of Rivne.

By Anders Lorenzen

In the backdrop of the tragic war between Russia and Ukraine, the western Ukrainian city of Rivne is championing climate action by signing up to achieve carbon neutrality by 2030.

The city which has a population of 245,000, has signed up to the joint EU Mission and Climate-KIC project, Net Zero Cities. The programme supports cities in setting up a plan to achieve carbon neutrality by 2030.

As Ukraine has faced relentless attack by Russia since they were invaded in 2022, Rivne city leaders have been working hard to establish the city as a climate action model both in Ukraine and beyond.

Energy independence

The Deputy Mayor of Rivne, Artem Hanuschak explained the work that has been undertaken: “The full-scale invasion, which started in February 2022, uncovered several problems which have not been resolved since 2014, probably due to the lack of time. This includes the energy dependence on the state aggressor. Our energy system was connected to Russia and Belarus. Now it is not. Our gas transportation has been and remains connected as well. But we no longer purchase gas from them. The fact that all our technologies and heating systems in their vast majority involved the use of natural gas imported from the Russian Federation has always been and remains a significant problem for Ukraine. Therefore, now is the proper time to implement technologies that will make us energy-independent from Russia. And allow us to save.”

Learn more about the inspiring story of the path taken by Rivne in the short documentary below, produced by Acumen Stories.

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