UK renewable energy auction breaks records – A greener life, a greener world

UK renewable energy auction breaks records – A greener life, a greener world

The Hornsea 2 offshore wind farm. Photo credit: Orsted.

By Anders Lorenzen

The UK government has said that the UK’s sixth renewable energy auction has delivered a record 131 clean energy projects. This exceeds the 92 projects agreed in the 2023 auction. Under current projections and with no change to the scale, the 2024 record auction would power 11 million British homes.

The Department for Energy Security and Net Zero (DESNZ) has announced that the 131 new green infrastructure projects, awarded through the government’s Contracts for Difference scheme (CfD), will be spread across onshore and offshore wind, solar and tidal power.

The Labour government, who came to power in July with a landslide election victory, is keen to highlight the contrast to the 2023 auction where zero offshore wind projects were agreed.

Several factors could have contributed to the positive auction, such as the government lifting the ban on onshore wind development in England, and doubling the clean energy budget.

Offshore wind back in business

The government department explains that, as the backbone of the country’s clean energy mission, offshore wind is back in business. Nine contracts have been awarded, which include  the largest and second-largest offshore wind projects in Europe, Hornsea 3 and Hornsea 4 which will be built off the Yorkshire coast.

The government has announced that the projects are agreed at well below the upper limit on the price set for the auction. This means they have bought a record amount of clean power at a much lower cost to consumers than the maximum price, thus providing value for money and cheap power. 

In addition to the offshore wind projects, other highlights include the largest floating offshore wind project in the world to reach the market, Green Volt. The project is double the size of Europe’s total installed floating offshore wind capacity. Additionally, there are six new tidal projects, and a combined 115 solar and onshore wind projects.

Ed Miliband, Secretary of State for Energy Security and Net Zero said: “Today we have now achieved a record-setting round for enough renewable power for 11 million homes, essential to give energy security to families across the country. It is another significant step forward in our mission for clean power by 2030 – bringing Britain energy independence and lower bills for good.”

Energy Minister, Michael Shanks added: “Securing new wind turbines, solar panels and cutting-edge technologies such as tidal will boost growth, catalyse investment and support good jobs across Great Britain.”  

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